Chapter 2451 Seminal Moments(Incest/Taboo):>Ep6
- They "hmmmed" and "hawed" for a few seconds before I continued. "The reason I wanted to meet with you is to see if you wanted him to come and mow your yards as well. You saw the job he did on mine - in fact, you both watched him quite closely the entire time. He is very interested in adding you to his client list. In fact, he gave me permission to give you his phone number if you want to call him."
- Christy and Janice looked at each other and smiled. Janice said, "Well, I don't know about Christy, but I would love to know that my yard is going to be take care of by such an outstanding young man as Jason." Getting her phone out, she continued, "Please give me his number, and I'll save it right now."
- I started to share Jason's digits, but I noticed that Christy was reaching for her phone as well, so I waited until she was ready. After they took Jason's number, they both put their phones down and smiled at each other. They were playing right into my plan. It was time for part two.